Banana Caramel Cupcakes Alongside Caramel Cream Cheese Frosting


I’ve been going caramel crazy lately. I made a ton of batches of both my Homemade Caramel Sauce as well as my Homemade Salted Caramel Sauce as well as bring been topping EVERYTHING amongst it. I can’t tending it. The materials is addictive.

As groovy a topping equally caramel sauce makes, at that topographic point was no agency inwards hell that was all I was gonna utilization it for. So to position my Homemade Caramel Sauce to amend use, I swirled some into this banana staff of life as well as stuffed some within these cupcakes. Those recipes were a caramel dream come upwards true, but I all the same had loads of caramel sauce, thus I idea “what the hell? Let’s bake to a greater extent than desserts!”

On hap of going crazy for caramel, I’ve been going bananas for bananas! And past times bananas, I hateful banana desserts. I’m ane of those people who abhor eating bananas alone, but adore banana-flavoured baked goods. Overripe bananas add together thus much wet as well as natural sweetness to a baked practiced along amongst a potent banana season that fifty-fifty the biggest banana hater would autumn inwards dear with!

I’ve shared a few cupcake recipes on hither now, but they bring all either been chocolate or vanilla. In fact, I don’t mean value I’ve always made a cupcake that was exterior those ii flavours. Now that my baking skills bring improved, I mean value it’s fourth dimension for me to firm on to dissimilar flavours. I already had some overripe bananas leftover from my Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Banana Bread recipe, thus it was the perfect chance to bake upwards these moist as well as fluffy banana cupcakes!


  • 1 recipe of my Homemade Caramel Sauce
  • Banana Cupcakes:
  • 1 as well as ½ cups all utilization flour
  • 1 as well as ½ tsp baking powder
  • ½ tsp baking soda
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp set down cinnamon (optional)
  • ½ loving cup unsalted butter, room temperature
  • ¾ loving cup granulated sugar
  • ¼ loving cup lite dark-brown sugar, packed
  • 2 Tbsp vegetable oil
  • ½ loving cup sour cream, room temperature
  • 1 as well as ½ tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 2 large eggs, room temperature
  • 2-3 overripe large bananas, puréed or mashed (about 1 as well as ½ cups)
  • Caramel Cream Cheese Frosting:
  • ½ loving cup Unsalted Butter, room temperature
  • 1 (8 oz.) parcel full-fat cream cheese, room temperature
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 4 cups Powdered Sugar, sifted
  • ¼ loving cup caramel sauce (recipe above)
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • Optional Garnishes:
  • Toffee Bits
  • Extra Caramel Sauce
  • Fresh Sliced Bananas

  1. Make ane recipe of my Homemade Caramel Sauce as well as allow it to chill inwards the fridge for a few hours. Meanwhile, brand the cupcakes.
  2. For the Banana Cupcakes:
  3. Preheat oven to 350° F (177°C) as well as delineate of piece of employment a measure cupcake pan amongst newspaper liners as well as some other pan amongst five liners, this recipe makes virtually 17 cupcakes. Set aside.
  4. In a large bowl, sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda, common salt as well as cinnamon as well as whisk to combine. Set aside.
  5. In the bowl of a stand upwards mixer fitted amongst a paddle attachment, musical rhythm out the butter as well as both sugars on medium-high until lite as well as fluffy, 2-3 minutes. Scrape downward the sides as well as bottom of the bowl.
  6. Add oil, sour cream as well as vanilla as well as mix until combined.
  7. Lower speed to medium-low as well as add together the eggs ane at a time. Make certain to occasionally halt as well as scrape downward the bowl.
  8. Gradually add together the dry out ingredients as well as like shooting fish in a barrel mix until only combined. Add the banana purée as well as mix until good combined. DO NOT OVERMIX. Batter should endure thick.
  9. Scoop batter into cupcake liners, filling them ⅔ agency full. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the centre comes out clean.
  10. Remove cupcakes from oven as well as allow to cool inwards pans for virtually 10 minutes, as well as thus transfer to cooling racks to cool completely.
  11. For the Caramel Cream Cheese Frosting:
  12. In a medium bowl using a handheld mixer, musical rhythm out the butter as well as cream cheese until smoothen as well as fluffy. Add vanilla as well as mix until combined.
  13. Add powdered saccharide ane loving cup at a time, mixing on depression until combined.
  14. Add caramel sauce as well as common salt as well as musical rhythm out until completely smoothen as well as combined.
  15. Assembly of the Banana Caramel Cupcakes:
  16. Core the centre of each cupcake using the bottom of a large piping tip, or an apple tree corer.
  17. Using a spoon or piping bag, fill upwards the cupcakes amongst remaining caramel sauce.
  18. Fit ane disposable piping pocketbook amongst a large circular tip as well as a 2nd piping pocketbook amongst a large star tip. Fill both piping bags amongst the caramel cream cheese frosting.
  19. Using the large circular tip, pipage frosting starting from the centre towards the outer border thus you lot bring an fifty-fifty layer. Use a modest offset spatula to smoothen the hap as well as edges. Roll the sides or hap inwards the toffee bits.
  20. Using the piping pocketbook fitted amongst a large star tip, pipage a swirl of frosting on top.
  21. Drizzle on to a greater extent than caramel sauce, if desired. Garnish amongst banana slices. Enjoy!

- Store cupcakes inwards an airtight container inwards the fridge for upwards to iii days. Bring to room temperature earlier serving.

-Caramel Sauce tin endure made a few days ahead of fourth dimension as well as stored inwards an airtight container inwards the refrigerator.

-Don't hap the cupcakes amongst the banana slices until you're ready to serve. The banana volition teach soggy later awhile.

thank you lot done part recipes to :