Outrageous Oreo Lasagna


Makes 8 servings

SmartPoints :6


  • 24 Oreo cookies, I used reduced fat
  • 1 tub Cool Whip, regular or low-cal is fine
  • 1/2 loving cup milk, to a greater extent than if needed. I used 1 percent.
  • 3 tbsp Hershey syrup
  • 3/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • Chocolate sprinkles
  • Aerosol topping for each slice


  1. Line a loaf pan alongside plastic roll together with convey all 4 sides hanging over for slow lifting when finished.
  2. Pour milk into a large bowl, house each cookie, a few at a fourth dimension inward the milk, scope together with rapidly remove.
  3. Lay 8 cookies on the bottom of the loaf pan. If you lot convey to interruption a few to jibe them inward that’s okay.
  4. Add the vanilla extract to the Cool Whip correct inward the tub. Now dollop over the bottom layer together with proceed this designing until all cookies together with whipped topping are used. The operate past times layer should live Cool Whip.
  5. Freeze for an hr together with and thence house inward refrigerator for at to the lowest degree five hours. An hr or ii earlier serving, house dorsum inward the freezer together with allow trouble solid upwardly again.
  6. Take out together with either spell together with serve from the pan or push clit out together with pare off the plastic together with house on a serving plate, cutting into 8 slices, drizzle the chocolate syrup together with enjoy!

thank you lot done part recipes to : pointsrecipes.com/outrageous-oreo-lasagna/