Peanut Butter In Addition To Jelly Smoothie


There are enough of ways to satisfy your PB & J cravings that don’t bespeak the kind of high saccharide feast that white toast breadstuff is. I posted an overnight oats version of this favourite snack of mine non long agone – it is a fabulous breakfast. My work is that sometimes I forget to laid upwards it inwards advance but however desire to accept that delicious combination of peanut butter as well as fruit without having to aspect until adjacent morning. This is where this peanut butter as well as jelly smoothie comes inwards handy. It is minute gratification as well as doubles equally a poly peptide milkshake if y'all desire to role it equally such

It comes alongside fifteen grams of poly peptide per serving without having added whatsoever poly peptide powder. The poly peptide inwards this smoothie mainly consists of the peanut butter which gives y'all almost 10 grams of it. Oats provide roughly three grams poly peptide spell the fruit as well as almond milk contribute virtually 1 gram each. Additionally, it comes alongside a expert serving of fibre which volition proceed y'all going until lunchtime. Did I already cite that it is delicious?


  • 300 ml ( 1⅓ cup) unsweetened almond milk
  • 2 tbsp peanut butter
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 200g (1 cup) frozen strawberries
  • 3 tbsp oats
  • ½ tsp cardamom (optional)

Pour all ingredients into a blender as well as procedure until smooth.
*You tin role fresh banana as well as berries but the smoothie volition live on a lot to a greater extent than liquid. You tin ready this past times adding a few H2O ice cubes.
**To drizzle your smoothie alongside peanut butter exactly rut a modest total of it inwards a metallic touchstone loving cup on the stove or inwards a microwave. It volition melt similar regular butter.

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