Cookies Too Cream Cheesecake Bars


We convey a 2004 automobile that I actually dear as well as am non ready to depart with, hence Kurt as well as I convey decided to convey its’ engine replaced. It’s a swell footling automobile as well as because it’s been inwards Arizona most of its’ life, the trunk is swell status alongside no rust.
By far, it’s the i automobile I’ve ever owned the longest as well as nosotros literally convey plans to drive it into the ground. Or convey nosotros done that already straightaway that nosotros involve to supersede the engine? haha
We figure at this indicate fifty-fifty though it’s a hefty roughly of coin to create that, it’ll live less expensive than purchasing a novel car.

Have yous owned a automobile that yous weren’t ready to purpose with?

Also, my laptop has been driving me nuts, proverb there’s no to a greater extent than space. UGH!!
All of these mechanical as well as technological machines are pretty darn wonderful until nosotros begin having issues alongside them. I only don’t convey the patience when something’s non working. It drives me bonkers.

Because of the depression retentivity inwards my reckoner I’ve been having problem saving pictures for my posts which is why yous haven’t seen me position much upwards this week. So, I’ll live ordering a novel laptop side past times side week. I’m excited every bit I ever dear opening the box as well as making it my own.

Our son, Cameron is running his 2nd one-half marathon tomorrow morning. Our temps. are supposed to live inwards the mid 80’s this weekend spell I listen New England is expecting six inches or hence of snow! No, give thank yous you. Reminds me of when nosotros had a huge snowstorm inwards Rhode Island inwards the outset of Apr twenty years ago. Not fun.


  • 1 bundle Oreos divided
  • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter melted
  • 12 ounces cream cheese room temperature
  • 1/3 loving cup sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 egg as well as 1 yolk
  • 1/4 loving cup obviously Greek yogurt tin shipping away substitute sour cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 loving cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1/3 loving cup white chocolate chips


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. as well as draw of piece of occupation an 8 X 8-inch baking pan alongside tin foil. Lightly spray the foil alongside cooking spray.
  2. Place 24 consummate Oreos inwards the nutrient processor or blender to plough into a fine crumb.
  3. In a medium bowl, mix the Oreo crumbs alongside the melted butter until good combined.
  4. Pour into the prepared baking dish as well as press downward to evenly distribute.
  5. Place into the oven to bake for 10 minutes.
  6. In a mixing bowl, rhythm out the cream cheese until smoothen nearly 2 minutes.
  7. Add the sugar, common salt as well as Greek yogurt, as well as mix well. Make certain to scrape downward the sides of the bowl.
  8. Beat inwards the egg, egg yolk as well as vanilla.
  9. Reserving three Oreos, house the residue into a sealed plastic pocketbook as well as crush.
  10. Fold into the cheesecake mixture.
  11. Gently pour the cheesecake batter over the crust as well as smoothen alongside an offset spatula.
  12. Place into the oven as well as bake for 35 - twoscore minutes or until middle is barely wobbly as well as edges are laid as well as real slightly golden.
  13. Allow to cool on a wire rack as well as and then transfer to the fridge to chill for at to the lowest degree 2 hours.
  14. Place the three saved Oreos into a plastic sandwich pocketbook as well as crunch into pocket-sized pieces.
  15. Lift the tin foil from the pan as well as house onto a cutting board to piece alongside a large knife.
  16. Place the chocolate chips as well as white chocolate chips into 2 separate microwavable bowls. Heat for thirty 2nd intervals, stirring inwards betwixt until chips are melted as well as smooth.
  17. Pour each into a plastic sandwich pocketbook as well as cutting a pocket-sized tip off of i corner. Drizzle the chocolate over each of the bars, as well as transcend alongside the remaining crushed Oreos.

thank yous done part recipes to :