Paleo Sweetness Irish Gaelic Patato Pizza Crust Recipe


Who out at that spot is a pizza lover? ME, ME!

I adore pizza – what I don’t adore is the guilt associated alongside traditional pizza.

Pizza tin live on a really salubrious repast — fifty-fifty made on a criterion crust, it’s topped alongside tomato plant sauce as well as poly peptide rich cheese. What makes it unhealthy is taking a white flour crust, topping it alongside agency likewise much cheese, as well as and thence layering on processed meats. Pizza similar that is meant for an occasional indulgence!

Pizza made on this Paleo Sweet Potato Pizza Crust is made for everyday eating.

Layer on the veggies, as well as you’ve got yourself a pretty balanced meal.

My boy is a huge pizza fan, but since I am ever worried nigh how to larn nutrients into his picky trivial body, this crust is a bully compromise. It’s made from sugariness potatoes, almond flour, as well as eggs – all food dense ingredients (and honestly, almost a balanced repast on its own!).

This is bully for anyone on the paleo diet, or who needs to swallow gluten free. But every bit alongside all my recipes — I recommend gluten complimentary options for everyone, because the agency I laid upwards them, they are made to live on high inward nutrients. I volition never base of operations recipes on starches or empty food ingredients simply for the sake of making something gluten free.


  • 2 cups sugariness murphy from roasted sugariness potatoes
  • 1 egg
  • 1 loving cup almond flour
  • 1/4 loving cup arrowroot
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon white vino vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning or oregano
  • 1/4 teaspoon body of body of water salt
  • US Customary - Metric


Roast sugariness potatoes. I roast my sugariness potatoes at 420 degrees F for 1 sixty minutes - 1 hr. twenty minutes, until they are really soft.

Once potatoes receive got cooled, scoop out the flesh, as well as stair out out two cups of sugariness murphy puree.

In a large mixing bowl, add together sugariness potatoes, as well as role a manus mixture to whip the sugariness potatoes until they are smooth.

Add the ease of the ingredients, as well as role the manus mixer in 1 lawsuit to a greater extent than to mix well.

Preheat oven to 425 marking F.

Line a cookie canvas alongside baking paper. Scoop "dough" inward heaping 1/2 cups (the recipe volition brand iv pocket-size pizza crusts).

Wet your fingers, as well as lightly press downward on the overstep of each mound.

Cover 1 mound of dough alongside roughly other slice of parchment, as well as and thence role a flat-bottomed shine plate to press downward until the sugariness murphy is nigh six inches inward diameter. Watch this procedure inward the video above.

I similar to role moisture fingers to gently mold the edges of the crust, but this is optional.

Bake the crusts for thirty minutes.

Top the crusts alongside sauce, cheese, or other toppings, every bit desired.

Return topped pizzas to the oven for 12-20 minutes, depending on how many toppings are added. H5N1 basic cheese pizza volition bake inward 12 minutes, but a pizza loaded alongside tons of veggies volition accept 20.

For instructions on freezing as well as reheating pizzas, read notes inward post above.

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