Vegan Banana Caramel Cheesecake


Nerdy vegan alert: I ofttimes abide by myself completely inwards awe of fruit. Am I lonely inwards this?! Think virtually it, how cool is it that it but grows on our planet, naturally sweetness too cook to eat?! Then there’s the incredible multifariousness of dissimilar cool, unique fruits. They nation fruit is the truthful version of “fast food,” too if everybody moved from the horrifying fast nutrient restaurants to fruit, we’d stimulate got a much healthier too happier population too planet! Anyway, patch I’m on the dependent area I all of a abrupt experience a huge quest to listing my overstep five favorite fruits, thus inwards example you lot were wondering…

I’m all of a abrupt STARVING.

Question of the day: what is your favorite fruit?! I seriously desire to know, exit it inwards the comments thus nosotros tin geek out over fruit together. 🙂

So straightaway that I’m done admitting my adoration of whatever too all fruit too most of you lot yell back I’m weird, I desire to speak virtually the best of the best. The GOAT – I but learned what the acronym agency like, a calendar month ago. Of class these titles are all inwards my ain personal opinion, but this is my ain blog, thus we’re going to patch them every bit fact today, okay guys?

I am inwards honey amongst gooey, juicy, caramel-like dates, I popular grapes until an entire handbag is gone, swallow whole melons inwards ane sitting for the best, sweetness lunch. But there’s something virtually bananas that makes them my reveal one, become to, favorite fruit ever. Of course, season is key. I honey their sweet, rich, pure flavor. Plus, they’re healthy! They’re amount of vitamins too minerals, fiber, salubrious carbs for energy, too they’re peachy for slow digestion. I honey them plain, blended into smoothie bowls, made the primary focus inwards squeamish creams. Such versatile petty babes! They’re but all around the perfect food, growing on globe inwards their ain cute package, cook to eat.


  • 2 c almond flour
  • 1 c engagement glue - I used virtually xv dates blended amongst 1 c hot water, thus mensurate out 1 c paste
  • Banana Layer:
  • 2 large bananas sliced into coins
  • Cheesecake Layer:
  • 2 c cashews, soaked inwards a bowl of H2O at to the lowest degree three hours or overnight
  • 15 medjool dates
  • 1 c warm water
  • Topping (optional):
  • Drizzle to a greater extent than engagement paste
  • Sliced bananas


  1. In a large bowl, stir together the engagement glue too almond flour.
  2. Press the crust mixture evenly into the bottom of a springform pan, thus layer the sliced banana coins evenly on overstep of the crust. Set inwards the fridge patch you lot brand the cheesecake filling.
  3. To brand the cheesecake, set the cashews (drain off the soaking liquid first), dates, too H2O inwards a nutrient processor too blend until totally smoothen too creamy. This shouldn't accept long, perchance 5-10 minutes, too you lot may quest to scrape downwards the sides halfway through to brand certain everything gets blended.
  4. Pour the cheesecake filling on overstep of the banana/crust layers too railroad train the cheesecake inwards the freezer to set. I ordinarily freeze for at to the lowest degree 5-6 hours.
  5. Before serving, railroad train the cheesecake out on the counter or inwards the fridge to soften thus that you lot tin slice.
  6. Top amongst to a greater extent than engagement glue for extra caramel flavor, or sliced bananas too enjoy!

thank you lot done part recipes to :