Life Changing Paleo Brownies


I went there. Yep, I certain did together with I accept null regrets. Less than zero. None, nope, nada.

LIFE-CHANGING PALEO BROWNIES that await together with gustation simply similar the existent thing. BUT BETTER.

Better because they’re dense together with fudgy, chewy but crispy, together with 100% gluten free, dairy free, together with refined saccharide free. Double chocolate, crispy, gooey, decadent bars of pure amazing.

Still non convinced? Okay fine. I every bit good swirled inwards a mess of almond butter together with topped them amongst flaky ocean tabular array salt for that perfect seize amongst teeth somewhere inwards betwixt “I tin drib dead a happy lady” together with “Please never allow me teach out this the world therefore I tin swallow these paleo brownies forever, together with ever, together with ever, delight together with give cheers you”.

Seriously, these babies are THAT good. So proficient that my 8-year old, a world-renowned saccharide aficionado together with lover of all things chocolate, declared them “Seriously, the best brownies always Mommy…even amend than Grandma’s.” Friends, you lot can’t teach a amend endorsement than that (sorry Mom).


  • 3/4 c kokosnoot oil
  • 8 oz paleo chocolate chips
  • 4 eggs at room temperature
  • 3/4 c kokosnoot sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 c cocoa powder
  • 2 tbsp kokosnoot flour
  • 1/2 c almond butter optional
  • 1 tsp flaky salt


Position a rack inwards the centre of the oven, together with therefore preheat to 325. Line an 8" x 8" baking dish amongst parchment newspaper together with ready aside.

Place the kokosnoot petroleum into a microwave safe bowl. Heat for thirty seconds until melted. Add the chocolate chips to the kokosnoot oil, stir to coat, together with therefore estrus for thirty seconds. Whisk to melt the chocolate into the kokosnoot oil. If necessary, estrus for an additional xv seconds until the chocolate is melted together with fully incorporated into the kokosnoot oil. Alternatively, estrus the kokosnoot petroleum together with chocolate inwards a small-scale saucepan over medium heated, whisking continuously until melted together with mixed.

Place the eggs together with kokosnoot saccharide into a large bowl. Using a whisk or a manus mixer, rhythm out the eggs together with saccharide until thick together with frothy. Add the vanilla extract together with whisk or rhythm out until incorporated.

Add the chocolate together with kokosnoot petroleum mixture ¼ loving cup at a time, mixing thoroughly betwixt each addition, until fully incorporated.

Whisk together the cocoa pulverisation together with kokosnoot flour inwards a small-scale bowl. Using a safe spatula, crimp the cocoa kokosnoot mixture into the batter. Finally, crimp inwards the almond butter until simply barely mixed. Take tending non to overmix at whatsoever stage. Lumps are good!

Pour the batter into a parchment lined baking dish 8x8 baking dish together with house inwards the oven. Bake 20-25 minutes, until the edges are theatre together with the centre is barely set. Oven temperatures vary, therefore root checking at the 20-minute score for doneness.

Remove the baking dish from the oven, together with directly sprinkle the brownies amongst flaky ocean salt. Allow the brownies to cool inwards the pan for five minutes. Then, pick upward the brownies using the edges of the parchment newspaper together with transfer to a wire rack to cool for around other 10-15 minutes. Slice the brownies using a serrated knife together with serve. Paleo brownies are best enjoyed inside 24 hours, but volition proceed inwards an airtight container at room temperate for 48 hours or inwards the refrigerator for upward to five days.

cheers done percentage recipes to :