Perfect Chocolate Buttercream Frosting


Today’s postal service is dedicated to my honey friend Joan of the weblog Chocolate Chocolate together with More. Last week, my sugariness friend Joan passed away of a view ready on inwards her sleep. She was inwards her belatedly 40s together with even together with thence so total of life. This tragic upshot has left me, the blogging community together with of course of report her menage unit of measurement inwards devastation. She left behind three cute kids, which every bit a woman bring upward of three myself, consummate tugs together with pulls at my heartstrings all the more. Her decease came every bit a consummate stupor together with to move quite honest, I am even together with thence inwards stupor well-nigh it. Joan was such a tremendous role of the nutrient blogging community together with was ever the starting fourth dimension to extend her manus inwards her noesis together with friendship. She was such a variety mortal together with actually made it a signal to brand everyone experience similar a expert friend of hers. Its together with thence crazy to me, that someone I convey solely had online interaction amongst through this crazy blogging journey, could run such a honey together with wonderful friend of mine. Joan was amid the greats together with volition move terribly missed past times all who had the privilege of knowing her together with past times those who enjoyed her fabulous recipes.


  • 1 loving cup butter, softened
  • 4½ to five cups powdered sugar
  • 4 Tablespoon cocoa
  • 1 teaspoons vanilla
  • 5 Tablespoons heavy cream or milk, I prefer heavy cream
  • ¼ teaspoon salt


  1. In a medium bowl combine butter, powdered sugar, cocoa, vanilla, cream/milk, together with tabular array salt together with trounce for 5-7 minutes until calorie-free together with fluffy.
  2. Add to a greater extent than powdered saccharide to thicken together with stiffen upward frosting or to a greater extent than cream/milk to sparse frosting out depending on use. If you lot are frosting cookies or a cake usage less powdered sugar.

If you lot are using the frosting to decorate, usage to a greater extent than powdered saccharide for a stiffer frosting.


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